Thursday, April 30, 2015
Thank You for an Incredible Year
When I first decided last year to start a book blog I had no idea what I was doing. It was more of a personal challenge of starting something and following through no matter what. One of the things that inspired my adventure into the book blog world was reading three books back to back that I wanted to tell people about. These books were Discovered by Kim Black, The Suicide Princess by Anthony Bryan, and Sex in the Title by Zack Love. I had a vague idea of reading books and telling people what I thought. Simple enough, right? Well, in this past year it ended up being so much more, and one of the best decisions and experiences I've had to date.
Never in a million years did I think I would get one or even a hundred people to like my page. Yet here I am, a year a later and over 3,800 likes. Seriously, the fact that many people have visited my page and liked it, is beyond humbling. I am amazed by every single one I get.
In the end, none of this would've been possible without the support from amazing readers and authors. Thank you. I can't say that enough. I wish I could meet you all in person and give you a hug. Accept this virtual one for now. The best part of this whole year journey was getting to hear about so many authors and finding books I loved. Authors like AJ Walters, Seth King, Nicholas Tanek, Steph Nuss, Julia Bramer, Scott Hildreth, Morgan Parker, Alexandra I, M. Stratton, Lucian Bane, Kindle Alexander, G.G. Carver, Sebastian Ex, Al Daltrey, Jake Furie Lapin, Laura Barnard, Alicia Taylor & Natalie Townson, Scarlet Wolfe, the ladies of Boyfriend Bookstand, Addison Kline and so many more that I found out about because of having this page. Believe me, there are many more. :)
I liked to give a thanks to some of the authors who supported my page from its early days like Kim Black, H.S. Strickland, and K.B. Mallion. Also thank you to Al Daltrey and G.G. Carver for being my first two Author Spotlights and giving me chance to try it out. I started that on a whim, but it has become one of my favorite things about this blog.
A year goes incredibly fast, in fact it went so fast, I missed my real blogiversary date, April 13. What I started this page out as and what it has become, I couldn't be more proud of. The Jazzy World of E's Bookshelf is yours as much as mine. I want this to be a place you can come to find new authors and books as a readers. A place authors can showcase their work. Without readers and authors, this wouldn't be the blog it has become.
From my heart, Thank you! Thank you for joining me on this fun and incredible journey. Let's see where the next year takes us.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Review: Testing the Submissive and A Condo with Two View: The Domination of Chloe by Al Daltrey
Abby stood nervously before her Master in the classic submissive pose: fully nude, legs apart, wrists placed behind her back; deeply ashamed of her evident arousal. Worse, she had to recount in exact detail the proceedings of her last whipping. The whipping had been severe; as was the case with most of the clients she was commissioned to serve. These client appointments were scheduled a few weeks apart, in order that the welts, bruises and whatever other marks were left behind had ample time to heal. After all, each new client - whether male, female, a couple, or even a group - surely deserved a fresh canvas upon which to begin. Despite these harsh sessions, her body reacted like that of a wanton whore as she retold of the sadistic punishments and extreme sexual use inflicted upon her body.
How far would her Master push her with these ‘tests’? How far would Abigail go? How many times could she stand before him blushing; yet with that unmistakable tingle? Their relationship was surely headed for a collision course. Or was it?
This story contains STRONG BDSM. While fully consensual, it includes submission, dominance, sadism and masochism. Please do NOT buy or read this if you are offended by graphic sexual descriptions including sexual violence. All characters are aged 25+, and it is recommended for an adult audience ONLY (aged 21+). This story is pure fiction and the author does not condone any violent behavior.
Testing the Submissive by Al Daltrey is a book that's in a class of it's own. I have read some BDSM books but Testing The Submissive gives you a different look that you're not going to forget. Abby is a Submissive person and is being put through various tests by Lewis to see if she has what it takes to be the right kind of submissive. Each test is recounted in Abby's interviews with Lewis and each interview is at times dark, highly erotic or both.
The push and pull between Abby and Lewis is a dance that is superbly told by Al Daltrey. He has written a story that leaves you wanting more with each page. What will Lewis have Abby do next and what will her reaction be? I stayed up late reading this and was completely captivated by Testing the Submissive. Al Daltrey has definitely set the bar when it comes to writing about BDSM/Erotica.
Men and women see the world differently, as do dominants and submissives. A Condo With Two Views is told from two perspectives: Jack's and Chloe's. Jack is a loving and protective husband, but with a kinky penchant for sharing his willing wife. Chloe is smart and strikingly beautiful, and obeys every command from her husband, no matter how perverse. Each gives their view of the story: one where Chloe must submit to a grungy caretaker, a sexy lesbian couple, an evil developer, an older sadist, and the list goes on. But what happens when she's pushed too far? Is the deep love of a husband and wife more powerful than the bond of a dominant and submissive? What will win out, love or bdsm?
This story contains STRONG BDSM. While fully consensual, it includes submission, dominance, sadism and masochism. Please do NOT buy or read this if you are offended by graphic sexual descriptions including sexual violence. All characters are aged 25+, and it is recommended for an adult audience ONLY (aged 21+). This story is pure fiction and the author does not condone any violent behavior.
Let me start off by saying, Whoa. A Condo with Two Views by Al Daltrey is another wonderfully unique and well written story. Jack and Chloe are more than just husband and wife, they are dominant and submissive as well. Jack likes to share Chloe and throughout the book she takes part in some of the most erotic scenes you'll read in a book. While it may not be considered a normal or traditional situation with their relationship, the way these two characters fit and trust each other moves past that and makes this a fantastic read.
Again, Al Daltrey wrote another story that really is in it's own niche, similar to his first book, Testing the Submissive. I blushed a few times reading it and l couldn't get enough of it. I think what Al Daltrey does best is create a story that pushes the envelope and leaves you blown away by what you read. What I loved about A Condo with Two Views, is that it isn't just a BDSM tale, it's a story of a loving couple who trust each other completely. If you haven't read anything from Al Daltrey, A Condo with Two Views is a great place to start.
Again, Al Daltrey wrote another story that really is in it's own niche, similar to his first book, Testing the Submissive. I blushed a few times reading it and l couldn't get enough of it. I think what Al Daltrey does best is create a story that pushes the envelope and leaves you blown away by what you read. What I loved about A Condo with Two Views, is that it isn't just a BDSM tale, it's a story of a loving couple who trust each other completely. If you haven't read anything from Al Daltrey, A Condo with Two Views is a great place to start.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Author Spotlight: Noelle Bodhaine
It's time for an Author Spotlight. Today, the spotlight is shining on author, Noelle Bodhaine. Bodhaine is known for The Voice Trilogy. The story of self discovery has become a fan favorite. The third book in the series, Shout will be releasing soon. It was just recently announced that Bodhaine is going to be part of a collaborative story in the new River Walk Collection, with fellow author Al Daltrey. There's a lot to look forward to from Bodhaine this year, make sure to follow her Facebook page to say up-to-date on all the news. It's the Jazzy World of E's Bookshelf's pleasure to present its Author Spotlight on Noelle Bodhaine.
Noelle Bodhaine's Biography
Noelle Bodhaine loves all things creative: books, movies, music,
cooking and art. The daughter of a jewelry designer, Noelle is an avid
all-things Doris Day movie watcher and has been known to swoon over Cary
Grant. By day Noelle is a taxi-mom to two active school-aged boys and
wife to a supportive husband, who has had to share Noelle with book
boyfriend Rhys. Noelle's laptop goes everywhere she goes, as she never
knows when a character may have something to say!
Noelle and her family reside in the beautiful Rocky Mountains.
WHISPER is the first book of the Voice Trilogy.
Noelle and her family reside in the beautiful Rocky Mountains.
WHISPER is the first book of the Voice Trilogy.
An Interview Courtesy of Noelle Bodhaine
I have had
so much fun getting to know Noelle Bodhaine.
She is witty, funny, sassy and candid. Noelle has graciously answered
some random questions so you can get to know her too! Noelle’s book WHISPER is the first book of
the Voice Trilogy. WHISPER is available on Amazon for Kindle, Barnes and Noble
for Nook, Createspace, iTunes and Smashwords.
Who is Noelle Bodhaine?
I love all
things creative: books, movies, music, cooking and art. I was raised on Doris Day movies and true
gentleman like Cary Grant. I love family
meals, pasta, laughter and a heavy dose of Chianti. My laptop goes everywhere I
go as I never know when a character may have something to say!
I lay my
head at the foot of the Majestic Rocky Mountains.
Why write?
Writing is
something I can do that is all for me at least while I’m in the process. Nobody to answer to, it’s
mine! There is a freedom in weaving your own story, a control that we may lack
in our every day real life.
Who or what is your writing inspiration?
Me and the
people around me, unrequited love and
the story of people’s mistakes. I find inspiration in the idealized image we
have of one another and the harsh reality that often kills the romance of our
First, I
wanted to write MY ideal guy, the man who could make me melt, but there are so
many more characters shouting in my ear wanting their story to be told! So many
characters, so different, but all ideal and gloriously flawed.
When do you write?
I do most of writing in bed. But now I have an
amazing wing-back chair that makes me feel very official. I love my
bedroom. It is my sanctuary, but if I am
going outdoors, I like to be on the water. I have recently taken up kayaking
and love it...I will be doing a lot of writing...or rather recording on the
When do you find the time to write?
I write
late at night or whenever the mood strikes.
When did the idea to write a book come to
you? Do you remember the moment?
A small
snippet of Rhys popped in my head and I wrote it down after I had read a
particularly lackluster book. I thought, “Hey, I can do better than
that!”..(apologies for smugness)
I shared
my writing with a friend and she asked for more. The story started to pour out
of me. I was writing a chapter a week at first and realized I really had
something, that’s when I went underground and told no one. I didn’t talk about it because I didn’t want
to jinx myself. I gave myself a year to write as I started in January 2013, and
my goal was to be finished by my birthday in December and then decide what to
do after that. No clear plan… and then I met Colleen, my PA.
What do you do when you aren’t writing?
I love to
cook and garden. I’m a bit of a TVaholic and I love historical documentaries
have been known to cower in the dark and watch Ancient Aliens...shhhh
Once upon
a time, I played the Cello. I love music and I binge on the British History
Podcast while I cook. I love to eat out (big foodie here!) and I like to try
new things. I love wine, a good cocktail
and I love being with family.
Who are your favorite authors?
I’m an
Austen girl. I love the romantic poets, historical non-fiction and fiction.
Alison Wier is a favorite. I love me some Brits…Lily Harlem and Chloe Thurlow.
Of this amazing Indy community, I love me some Jaden Wilkes and respect the
hell out of Scott Hildreth.
Who are Rhys and Sophie in WHISPER?
Rhys, as I
said, was a figment in my mind. A composite maybe of my ideals and what I may
have encountered or hope to encounter.
Sophie is
very much me. I can do that because I wrote the book! That was half the fun
because I was living vicariously through her, but guiding her and also being
guided by her. I think there will always
be a part of me in all the female characters I write.
What makes you tick?
What makes for a good day?
A good morning kiss.
Good days
are full of freedom and creative musings.
Bad day?
Bad days
are full of structure and commitment, expectation and stress.
What fuels you?
I run on
espresso, romance and heartache.
What are your favorite foods and snacks?
I love all
kinds of cheese. I could live on Charcuterie and a cheese plate. Throw in some
olives and fruit and a big jug of wine and you have a happy girl. And if you’d
like to take me to bed give me a Sazerac. And if you really want to impress me?
Feed me cheesecake in the afterglow!
Rocha is my favorite candy. Back off and
get your own!
What makes you happy?
I love the
sound of my family’s laughter. I come from a long line of strong, loud women who laugh hard and live even
Do you have a favorite color?
I love
blues…think Caribbean ocean. Tranquil.
Favorite scent?
I love the
smell of vintage perfume and flowers.
Gardenia is my favorite, and Peony.
Favorite music?
I love all
music, but it all depends on mood. I love music that makes me remember..a
feeling, a person, a moment..
What is your favorite attire?
A slinky
sun dress or a cozy cardigan or both!
I love to
be barefoot, but if I must put something on my feet, then flip flops. In winter I love tall boots to keep my tootsies
Do you have any secret addictions?
I am a
Pinterest addict and collect pics for God knows what. I love to grocery shop (foodie, remember?)
and love carousing specialty food stores, farmers markets and local shops.
I need
four seasons and a white Christmas to feel complete.
Eve is my favorite day of the year.
I’m a
water drinker.
I like my
cocktails old fashioned.
I like my
tea strong and black and my lemonade sour.
I love
beer, craft beer and micro-breweries. My brother is a brewer.
There is a recipe in WHISPER that calls for a
special ingredient. Why is there cheese
in the waffles?
There is
cheese in the waffles because it is delicious! Ha-ha! That is actually
something my father would add when we were young. Big weekend breakfast was his
thing. Every mixing bowl would be dirty and waffle batter would be everywhere,
but a handful of sharp cheddar and real maple syrup made it all perfect...You
should try it
Is there a connection with Dahlwinney and
I have
always loved the sight of a man with a scotch and a cigar. There is something
so regal about it, like the lion taking his respite. It is power and sex
appeal. The most important men in my
life have smoked cigars, my father smokes cigars and I have always loved the
smell. (Paging Dr. Freud!)
Is there a connection to Sophia Blanc de
Blanc de Blanc is in fact my favorite white wine. It’s crisp and delicious!
Wrapped in pink cellophane, the bottle is super cute. Sophia Blanc de Blanc also comes in a can,
has a pretty pink straw and fits perfectly in my purse.
How does
it feel to be an Amazon Author?
I feel
very proud to be an Amazon author and I firmly believe that if you throw things
out into the universe they will manifest. So Universe, if you are
listening….Next summer, I WILL be on Amazon’s Top 100 Best Sellers List) (I’ll
take the sub category of Erotica or Romance, if that is your prerogative) with
all 3 books! That’s right! All three books. Top 100. At the same time. Let’s
make it happen!
How do you come up with your story lines?
stories pop in on me, I can’t explain it. I have very little discipline and
control over when these people in my head want to talk! The ideas just pop in my head literally at
very inopportune times, like on a long drive or in the middle of conversations
with real people. I have just started writing something completely different
from WHISPER. The story has a super
strong female lead, but we will not call her a heroine. WOWZA! She comes in ready for a fight!
What does an average day in the life of Noelle
look like?
I linger
in bed as long as life will allow, although I wake hours before the sun. I’m a
night owl, always have been, but will never be mistaken for a morning person.
Books by Noelle Bodhaine
The Voice Trilogy
Whisper (The Voice Trilogy Book 1)
When Sophie stumbles into Rhys' world she is mere whisper of herself. A
shell broken and battered by loss and neglect. A weekend away and time
with friends is what she needs. What she gets is a sexy alpha male with a
mysterious past, a reputation beyond measure and a need for control.
Gambling with one's heart is a dangerous affair and everybody knows you
don't walk away from the table when you are winning.
Speak (The Voice Trilogy Book 2)
Rhys is everything Sophie never knew she wanted, until he lets her down.
With a broken heart in tow she leaves him in the dust and starts over
only to find herself a shell of who she had become, no longer satisfied
by who she was.
When Sophie cuts him off, Rhys is a shell. Wanting what he cannot have, he must prove to Sophie that he has changed. But when the moment comes will he speak up? Can Rhys overcome the ghosts of Sophie's past? Can Sophie forgive Rhys his past sins? Find out in the second installment of The Voice Trilogy a story of self discovery, profound change and a love that must be written in the stars.
When Sophie cuts him off, Rhys is a shell. Wanting what he cannot have, he must prove to Sophie that he has changed. But when the moment comes will he speak up? Can Rhys overcome the ghosts of Sophie's past? Can Sophie forgive Rhys his past sins? Find out in the second installment of The Voice Trilogy a story of self discovery, profound change and a love that must be written in the stars.
Coming Soon
River Walk Collection
Noelle loves to hear from her readers!
Facebook Street Team: Nellie's Naughty Nymphs
Twitter: @noellebodhaine
Follow Noelle on Pinterest
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Release Blitz: THREEFOLD by Scott Hildreth
A ménage à trois (French for
"household of three") is a domestic arrangement in which three people
having romantic and/or sexual
relations with each other occupy the same household.

Book Cover
Cover Art by: Jessica Hildreth
Author's note: This book, although a MMF erotic novel,
contains no cheating. (yes, really). It is an HEA love story
depicting the love between one woman and two men. This is NOT your typical
MMF novel.
Rain Bauer has had an awful life. After living with the
abuse of her stepfather for 15 years, she finally develops the courage to
leave. Now 22 and homeless, she yearns for change in her life. As a young girl,
she hoped for a prince, white horse, and a HEA.
While sitting on a park bench one day, her prince comes not on a
white horse, but a Harley.
Ethan Hawthorne is a 32 year old Harley riding tattooed hunk.
After inviting her to his apartment for dinner, Rain learns Ethan and his
roommate Cade are loving, caring, kind, and compassionate.
When she is invited to stay the night and wait out a terrible
storm, the changes she has been hoping for begin to unfold...
But is she ready for what life is going to toss her way?
"I had always hoped one day love would call my name; and
when it did, I’d be able to answer. I had no idea the call would come from two
different directions at the same time." – Rain
Buy Links:
About Scott Hildreth
Scott Hildreth is a very analytical sort who bases his beliefs on
statistics he compiles in his head. Often going as long as a month without so
much as a single sip of water, he drinks coffee as if it were the lifeblood of
his writing.
Scott fears flying, clowns, and amusement park rides. Tall and lean with a cleanly shaven head and covered in tattoos, he doesn’t blend in well. After reading his writings, this makes perfect sense. His vibrant characters, backstories, and plots, although always relatable, generally stand out as much as he does.
Willing to discuss matters at length most people shy away from, Scott’s writing has revolved around such subjects as domestic abuse, suicide, alcoholism, drug abuse, cancer, divorce, homosexuality, religion, and lack thereof.
Born in San Diego, California, Scott now calls Wichita, Kansas his home. He is a proud father, and lives devoted to the love of his life, Jessica. When he isn’t writing, he may be found on his motorcycle or in a local coffee house.
Scott's novels include Broken People, Undefeated, Unstoppable, Unleashed, Unbroken, Baby Girl - Ruined, Baby Girl - Owned, Baby Girl - Loved, To the Depths of Hell, The Alpha-Bet, Finding Parker, Karter, Confessions of a Smut Author, When It All Began: A Jessie Jayne Novella, Making the Cut: Selected Sinners MC Book I, Taking the Heat: Selected Sinners Book II and now his newly released Threefold.
Scott fears flying, clowns, and amusement park rides. Tall and lean with a cleanly shaven head and covered in tattoos, he doesn’t blend in well. After reading his writings, this makes perfect sense. His vibrant characters, backstories, and plots, although always relatable, generally stand out as much as he does.
Willing to discuss matters at length most people shy away from, Scott’s writing has revolved around such subjects as domestic abuse, suicide, alcoholism, drug abuse, cancer, divorce, homosexuality, religion, and lack thereof.
Born in San Diego, California, Scott now calls Wichita, Kansas his home. He is a proud father, and lives devoted to the love of his life, Jessica. When he isn’t writing, he may be found on his motorcycle or in a local coffee house.
Scott's novels include Broken People, Undefeated, Unstoppable, Unleashed, Unbroken, Baby Girl - Ruined, Baby Girl - Owned, Baby Girl - Loved, To the Depths of Hell, The Alpha-Bet, Finding Parker, Karter, Confessions of a Smut Author, When It All Began: A Jessie Jayne Novella, Making the Cut: Selected Sinners MC Book I, Taking the Heat: Selected Sinners Book II and now his newly released Threefold.
Keeping Up With Scott:
May 2nd: Hard
Rock Authors Event in Tulsa, OK
May 19th:
Takeover at the First Annual Mental Health Awareness Event
3 pm CDT, 4 pm EDT located here:
May 21st: Takeover at Relentless Book Chic Rambling
& Reviews 7K Soiree
8 pm CDT, 9 pm EDT located here:
for all the month of MAY!
Scott is a participating author in the Keith Milano Memorial Fund
For Mental Health Awareness.
For the month of MAY the proceeds for the sales of the entire Baby
Girl Series will go to support this fund:
Follow Scott:
Friday, April 24, 2015
Blog Tour: Daniella Bound by Jake Malden
Daniella Bound by Jake Malden
Daniella Blanchard is enjoying a romantic interlude with the handsome Eric Lehane, when he makes the suggestion - an interlude on a summer's afternoon involving ropes, a blindfold and a waiting chair. Only when bound and helpless, subjected to an intense game of sexual tease and denial, does the student begin to suspect her lover's wicked ulterior motives in their relationship. But Daniella is no meek submissive and she has secrets of her own, which will take Eric by storm. One scorching twist follows another in what becomes a weekend-long struggle of body and mind for sexual supremacy. Who will come out on top in this explosively erotic contest - Eric, Daniella, or sheer all-consuming passion?
He leaned back in his chair, mind flooding with sweet recollections …
Daniella’s orgasm‐deprived body racked with pleasure as his fingers plunged inside her.
The clutch of her contracting pussy on his cock as he boned her hard from the rear, her limbs bound by rope and her soul by sweet lust. Those wild, full‐throated cries that filled his house, as her anger gave way to ecstasy. Then later on when all had changed—her firm young breasts jogging lightly above him as she rode slowly and gently, fingertips on his chest and fronds of brunette hair dropping about his face. Oh God, hot little darling, hot sexy sweetheart. My sweet Daniell …
Shit, enough with the endearments! If he kept on down that road, one might slip out in her company. He shook himself free of reverie, finished his coffee and made to depart. His erection made motion tricky, however, so he sat back with his newspaper for cover. He wrestled himself towards a place of calm.
Pretty girl. Not unintelligent. She was perfectly pleasant company with a nice line in conversation and a sense of humour. But chiefly she was a piece – of – ass. Hold to that and it would be one very satisfactory weekend. Revenge with benefits. Everyone happy, particularly him.
Eric clinked a couple of pound coins against his coffee cup as a tip, folded his newspaper and left. No more floundering, no more stupid guilt. This girl craves control and that’s what she’s going to get. He checked his watch on the way out. Two hours, and if he went straight home that’d be two thirty. Long enough to make her squirm. Yes, that’d do nicely. He had one call to make before returning home, a short walk down the High Street.
Daniella Bound by Jake Malden is another Malden book I couldn't put down. I stayed up late reading it because I was entranced by the story of Daniella Blanchard and Eric Lehane. If you've been looking for a great erotic story, look no further than Danielle Bound. It isn't a predictable story which is one of the main reasons I liked it. It has some twists that make it even more of an entertaining read. I don't want to give anymore way because it's that good.
There is one thing that all Jake Malden books have in common and that is great characters and well written stories that are incredibly sexy and erotic. Daniella's Bound is no exception to that. In fact it's one of his best books. I loved the anticipation and the back and forth, between Eric and Daniella. You will love these two characters and the way the story unfolds. If you haven't read a Jake Malden book, pick up Daniella Bound. This is one book and author you don't want to miss out on.
There is one thing that all Jake Malden books have in common and that is great characters and well written stories that are incredibly sexy and erotic. Daniella's Bound is no exception to that. In fact it's one of his best books. I loved the anticipation and the back and forth, between Eric and Daniella. You will love these two characters and the way the story unfolds. If you haven't read a Jake Malden book, pick up Daniella Bound. This is one book and author you don't want to miss out on.
Jake Malden is a freelance journalist and writer based in London. He has been experimenting with erotica both on the page and off for some years and has a growing number of titles available. His interests, aside from the staringly obvious, are theatre, cinema, literature, fitness-training and travel (particularly back to his native Ireland). He is an enthusiast of juicing, in every possible sense.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Cover Reveal: Insatiable Part One & Part Two by JD Hawkins
Insatiable is a two part serial with part 1 releasing on May 4th and part 2 on May 20th and we are excited to reveal both covers to you! Make sure to add to your TBR and enter the giveaway below! This is a new author to be on the lookout for!
It’s not cocky when you’ve got the goods to back it up.
Lust-maker. Pleasure giver. Fantasy creator. I can blow your mind in five seconds flat — but trust me, you’ll want this to last all night.
There’s not a woman in the city who can resist me. Except one.
Now she’s got a proposition: Seven days. Every position. No strings attached.
She wants to know what she’s been missing.
Who am I to say no?
“I’d invite you back to my place, but it seems you’re already here,” I say.
“Take me upstairs,” she pants. “Now.”
I carry her to the bedroom. It’s big, with glass walls on either side that look out over the ocean on one side and the city on the other. The bed is shallow, and I’m so revved up I nearly throw her onto it. Our bodies are still dripping wet, but I don’t care. I can barely think, her body’s turning me into a madman.
I climb across the bed toward her and peel her lacy underwear off. When it reaches her feet, she kicks it to the floor. I grab her hair in an expert fistful. She moans, tilting her head back as her eyes start to close. I stop to watch her and she looks at me.
She’s soft and feminine under my hands, her beautiful body weak against mine. I roll her on top of me in one swift motion and push her head down towards my hard cock, sticking ramrod straight up into the air. I guide her mouth to it, and she wraps her lips around the head. They suck gently, and I hold her just on the edge, just where her lips can kiss it, until I can hold it no more. I want her wetness, her hotness. I force her to take in the rest, pressing my cock into the side of her cheek. Her teeth graze the sensitive curves, but I’m so hot for this girl even the mild pain feels good.
With her head under my palm, I guide her thrusts, forcing her into my rhythm. I pull her ass around so she’s sideways in front of me, then land a sharp, loud smack on the round cheek. She moans, her body jerking. I rub the redness that emerges on the erotic curve of her backside, and as her mouth pumping gathers pace I smack her again. Harder.
I'm a new erotic author from LA. I grew up in Southern California and now live with my wife in Venice.. I've also lived in NYC, India and Thailand. I love to travel and have been to Central America, Australia, Europe and the Middle East. I have a boring corporate day job where I cover people's asses for a living and am hoping to leave this world soon and make a living doing the thing I love - writing. I enjoy surfing and I'm also a martial artist, my other main passion, which I practice since the age of 5.
Author Spotlight: Mardi Maxwell
The Jazzy World of E's Bookshelf is excited to present to you today's author spotlight on Mardi Maxwell. Maxwell is the author behind the Doms of Mystique Series. She recently released the fifth book in the series in March, Nate's Naughty Nymph. Maxwell is looking to start a new Sci-fi romance and talks about it more in my interview with her. It's my pleasure to introduce to you, Mari Maxwell.
Mardi Maxwell's Biography
Hi, I'm Mardi Maxwell. I love
to travel and I’ve traveled throughout America and lived in beautiful Utah, sunny
California, hot and dry west Texas, and the mountains of Colorado. I wrote my
first erotic romance in the summer of 2013. It was accepted and published that
same year. Since then I’ve written five more books in the Doms of Club Mystique
series. This Spring I'm venturing out into the stars with the first book in a
steamy, new sci-fi romance series, beginning with Valan's Bondmate. My heroes
are tough and sexy, and my heroines are strong, sassy and in some cases submissive.
I like to read books that make me laugh and cry and cheer when the lovers
finally say 'I love you' so that's what I write (with a little bit of suspense
and always a happy ending).
Other than writing, I love to
read, garden, swim, cook, and spend time with my family and friends, especially
at the local drive-in movie.
An Interview with Mardi Maxwell
Books by Mardi Maxwell
In March you released the fifth book in your Doms of Mystique Club series. What can readers expect to see in this book?
Nate's Naughty Nymph starts in the present day but then goes back twenty-one years and tells the reader what really happened and why the five brothers were adopted by Jake and Katherine Ramsey. The book also tells some of the things that happened in previous books from Nate's point of view and gives the reader some ah-ha moments.
Is this going to be the end of the series or do you plan on writing more books for the series?
Funny you should ask that as I have a sixth book, The Ramsey Doms, coming out May 7, 2015 at Bookstrand. It's a wrap-up of the Ramsey brothers plans for the future, the birth of Cade's and Addison's baby, and a hint of what's going on with Thor Larkin and Marisol Rios.
Do you have a personal favorite among the Dom of Mystique series?
I always feel a deep connection with my characters so at this time I'd have to say that Nate's Naughty Nymph is my favorite. Nate is an older hero who has faced a lot of trouble and overcome it in his own way and come out a better man who puts love and family first.
I read that you were going to be starting a new series that's going to be a sci-fi romance, can you tell us anything about it?
The Zarronian Warriors is a steamy series about a race of galactic warriors who are plagued by a mating fever that can only be shared with a Zarronian female. Tragically, their females were killed over ten years ago when the Wrothians attacked Zarronia. At first the warriors accepted that their deaths were inevitable but then the fight for survival rose up and they began to search the universe for compatible females. Valan Erickson's death is eminent as he approaches his thirty-second birthday without a mate but then he's told that compatible females have been found. Unfortunately those females are Wrothian and he refuses to bond with one until he's ordered by the Zarronian Council to accept a Wrothian female or be exiled to the countryside to die alone in dishonor. The story begins at that point. So far there are three books in the series and the first one, Valan's Bondmate, comes out in mid-May 2015.
Has Sci-fi always been a subject/genre that has interested you?
Yes, in fact I started out writing sci-fi romance. I've always been intrigued by the idea of other inhabited planets and what the life forms would be like. Plus, the great thing about sci-fi romance is you can build any kind of world and character you like. Anything goes and it makes for some very interesting situations.
Almost two years ago is when you wrote your first book, how would you say your writing has evolved as an author since then?
I think my writing has improved with each book. Writing is like anything else you do – the more you do it the better you get at it. I've learned so much from other authors and my readers. I love to hear from my readers either through reviews they leave for me or on my Facebook page. So please don't be shy – like my page and come over and chat with me.
What has been your favorite part about being an author?
Research. I love learning so doing research for my books is really fun and satisfying. And, it makes me really good at Jeopardy (one of my favorite shows lol).
Do you have any advice for the new indie author just getting started?
Go for it! Just start writing. Learn how to do research including reading the books of authors you love. Get in touch with other authors through social media. Join a local writing organization. Even if your book is rejected use it as a learning experience and then rewrite it and send it in again and again. Don't give up if it's what you really want to do.
Who are some of your favorite authors?
Lexi Blake, Cherise Sinclair, Laurann Dohner, S.E. Smith, Sophie Oak, Caitlyn O'Leary, Elle Boon, Sky Michaels, Emma Anderson, April Zyon and so many others. I read constantly and usually have at least three books open on my reader at any given time.
In 10 words or less can you tell readers why they should read your books?
Great characters. Hot sexy love. Laughter, tears, joy, sorrow, suspense.
Is there anything else you would like to say to your fans and/or readers new to you?
I'm starting a fan page for people who love my books so look for it in the next month and please come join it and have some fun. There will be teasers posted there, contests for special gifts, and lots of chatting about the things I love to do and hopefully what you love to do (gardening, cooking, ceramics, crafts, reading, writing, and just our lives in general – lots of girl talk). I love hearing from you and getting to know you. If you want to keep up with me right now then please like my fb page at ☺
Books by Mardi Maxwell
To Love and Obey(The Doms of Mystique Book 1)
[Siren Allure: Erotic Consensual BDSM Romance, voyeurism, public exhibition, spanking, flogging, sex toys, HEA] Addison Mathews is the only daughter of a famous mother and a billionaire father. She learned at an early age to be wary of people until she met and claimed Cade Ramsey when she was too young to understand what love was all about. Since then Cade has been her protector and he is one of the few people she trusts as well as the only man she's ever loved. Cade is a former Green Beret who works for a global security company. He's also a Dom who believes that love can't be trusted. He and his four brothers co-own Club Mystique, an expensive and exclusive BDSM club. When Cade decides to give up the Dom lifestyle and settle down he chooses Addison as the perfect woman to be his wife and the mother of his children. Things begin to go wrong when Addison discovers Cade's secrets. Intrigued by the D/s lifestyle she decides to prove to him that she would be the perfect sub as well as the perfect wife. Addison and Cade are two strong willed people, each with their own ideas of what their future should be. Just as it looks like things are working out for them an enemy of Cade's decides to take his revenge by going after Addison. Cade finds himself fighting to save her and their future together. ** A Siren Erotic Romance
Jackson's Sub (The Doms of Mystique Book 2)
A year ago, Jackson
Ramsey sent Jenna Parnelle away after she gave him one night of
passionate submission. At the time, he believed he was saving her from
his temper and jealous nature, but Jenna believes Jackson had been
slumming with the chubby girl from the poor side of town. A year later
Jenna finds herself staying at the Ramsey ranch while she helps her
friend Addison prepare for her wedding with Jackson's older brother,
Cade. Already dreading being in the same house with Jackson, her
problems multiply when Jackson begins to pursue her. The last year has
taught Jackson that he's not the kind of man who would hurt a woman,
much less the only woman he's ever loved. Now he has to convince Jenna,
but she's decided to protect herself from further heartbreak. Who will
win when a determined Dom pursues a stubborn submissive? ** A Siren
Erotic Romance
Their Temporary Sub (The Doms of Mystique Book 3)
Zane's Choice (The Doms of Mystique Book 4)
[Siren Allure: Erotic Consensual BDSM Cowboy Romantic Suspense,
spanking, flogging, sex toys, HEA] Beautiful, curvy Ravyn Templeton saw
Zane Ramsey in a BDSM club in Houston three years ago. He's haunted her
dreams ever since. Zane is an Assistant District Attorney and co-owner
of Club Mystique, the BDSM club he and his brothers built on their Texas
ranch. When Ravyn's ex-husband is arrested for trying to have her
killed, the case is assigned to Zane. The moment Zane meets Ravyn he
wants her and even though he knows having an affair with her will
jeopardize his career, he can't resist her. When Ravyn's ex-husband
accuses her of laundering money for a drug cartel, and she refuses to
answer Zane's questions, he leaves her. Fate in the form of Addison
Ramsey steps in and brings them together again and again. Zane has the
power to save Ravyn but only if he loves her enough to fight for her. **
A Siren Erotic Romance
Nate's Naughty Nymph (The Doms of Mystique Book 5)
Click Here to buy Mardi's Books
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